Lend us your skills! Help with any of the following
Events. Help plan Earth Day, Annual Meeting, neighborhood parties,
community events.
Community Liaison. Get your organization, club, business,
neighborhood, college, or homeowners association working with
Sustainable Claremont.
Membership. Help build and maintain membership.
Fundraising. Help plan fundraising events and/or work with potential
donors or grants.
Publicity and Outreach. Help get the word out about what we are doing.
Resource Center. Help with the monthly email blast and other tasks.
Archives. Develop and/or maintain reference materials and archives.
Active Groups. Join one of those below or start a new one!
CHERP. Help the Claremont Home Energy Retrofit Project: outreach, data collection and analysis, web site,
newsletter, public events, and more.
Garden Club. Help with meetings, field trips, annual garden tour, newsletter items.
DRIP. Help with Waterwise Landscape Expo and other activities to save water.
Schools Action Group. Join in the effort to help the local schools create and implement sustainability plans.
Tree Action Group. Work with this group to improve our urban forest.
If you are interested, please contact us!