Claremont Garden Club

Welcome to the Claremont Garden Club (GC) pages!

Have you ever wondered "What is this plant?", How do I get a tropical effect with waterwise plants?", "What's the best way to support tomato plants and how do I use all those zucchini?" The Garden Club can help (and it's fun!).

We meet the second Wednesday of most months in the Napier Center at Pilgrim Place (660 Avery Rd). Chatting and plant swapping begin at 6:30 pm with the talk at 7pm.  Field trips and workshops occur at various times.


"The purpose of the Garden Club shall be to increase the beauty, sustainability, and biodiversity of local landscapes, to provide education, and to foster helpful and pleasant interactions among those with an interest in gardens of any type, from ornamental to urban agriculture."

We need to move towards more climate-appropriate gardens, but we can do that without losing the lush look of Claremont or our trees.
For helpful info, see the "Links" page above, the links below, and books from our free lending library (Garner House in Memorial Park).

Help us create a great resource for all things related to gardening by sending us info about tree services, websites, books, and suchlike!


Orange "sticks on fire" plantGarden Design

