Bylaws of the Claremont Garden Club

(Amended 5-18-2015)

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Claremont Garden Club, herein also referred to as the Club.


Article II. Relation to Sustainable Claremont

The Club shall be a working group of Sustainable Claremont.


Article III. Purpose

The purpose of the Club shall be to increase the beauty, sustainability, and biodiversity of local landscapes, to provide education, and to foster helpful and pleasant interactions among those with an interest in gardens of any type, from ornamental to urban agriculture.


Article IV. Members

Section 1. There shall be no annual dues.

Section 2. Membership shall be available to anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or physical ability.


Article V.  Board of Directors

Section 1. The Board shall consist of the Officers and the Chairs of the standing committees as listed in VII-4.

Section 2. The Board shall meet to discuss business when called by the President.  This may be as part of the regular monthly meetings or at a separate time.


Article VI.  Officers

Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer positions may be combined. The Executive Committee shall consist of these elected officers.

Section 2. Officers shall be elected for a term of two years.

Section 3. Duties of Officers:

a.     President:  The President shall preside at meetings of the Club, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors; appoint the Chairs of all the Standing Committees, unless otherwise stated in these bylaws; designate a member to keep Sustainable Claremont apprised of Garden Club activities; work with the Sustainable Claremont webmaster to keep the site updated.

b.     Vice President:  In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of that office. The Vice President will chair one of the standing committees

c.     Secretary:  The Secretary shall record minutes of each meeting and circulate them to the Board by email within a week of the meeting. Upon approval of the minutes, the Secretary will email a copy to the Sustainable Claremont Coordinator.

d.     Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall collect and hold monies of the Club; provide a statement of finances to the Board at each Board meeting; arrange for the reimbursement of expenses; and keep track of the Club’s funds which are held in the Sustainable Claremont bank account


Article VII. Committees

Section 1.  Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President.

Section 2. Members of each committee shall be recruited by its Chair.  Committees may consist of any number and combination of Board and general members.

Section 3.  The Board may add new committees, either permanent or temporary, in addition to the list of Standing Committees in Section 4.

Section 4The Standing Committees and their duties shall be as follows:

a.     Program: Shall consist of the Club Board whose members will seek suggestions from the general membership about possible speakers and arrange speakers for regular meetings.

b.     Workshops/demonstrations/field trips: Shall seek suggestions from members and arrange workshops/demonstrations/field trips during the year; alert Newsletter chair of activities provided by other groups which would interest members.

c.     Attendance: Shall greet attendees at meetings, maintain a record of attendance and member information, and write notes of appreciation or support as directed by the President.

d.     Newsletter: Shall send out a short, monthly, electronic newsletter to membership; work with Attendance to keep email list up to date.

e.     Social media: shall maintain a Club presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

f.      Social events: Shall arrange refreshments for meetings and set up  sharing table; will organize potlucks, holiday party, etc.

g.     Outreach: Shall arrange participation in City events such as Earth Day and the 4th of July.

h.     Historian/librarian: Shall organize and keep all documents related to the Garden Club and its activities; keep a list of archived items; organize library books and articles; keep track of library use; seek donations of new materials

i.      Fundraising: Shall look into fundraising possibilities and organize activities.

j.      Community projects: Shall work on projects such as collaborating with other groups to involve youth in gardening; organizing citizen participation in local, state or national biodiversity-related activities; establishing community gardens.

k.     Publicity: Shall advertise upcoming Club meetings and events in multiple venues including designated local and regional media; will keep in touch with Newsletter and Social Media committees.


Article VIII. Meetings

Section 1. The regular meetings of the Club shall take place on the second Wednesday of the month with the exception of July, August, and December, unless otherwise provided for by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Annual Meeting, at which time annual reports may be read, shall take place at the June meeting.

Section 3. July and August shall be a time of Board and committee meetings.

Section 4. The first regular meeting of the year shall take place in September.

Section 5. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern meetings.


Article IX. Elections

Section 1. Elections for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall take place at the June Board meeting in odd numbered years.

Section 2. Officers shall be elected from the members of the Board by a majority vote of the Board members in attendance at the meeting.

Section 3. New officers will assume their duties at the Board meeting following the June meeting.

Section 4. In the event that an elected position becomes vacant during a term of office, the Board will appoint an individual to that office for the remainder of the term.


Article X. Bylaws

The bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the Board at one of its regular or special meetings.


Article XI. Fiscal year

The fiscal year will start July 1st and end June 30 to allow time for reorganization before the new year of programs.