
Tools for Home Energy Efficiency
Monday, June 13, 2016, 06:00pm - 07:30pm
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Want to save energy and money at home while helping Claremont win $5 million for sustainability projects? Come learn about the Claremont Energy Challenge, a citywide initiative to reduce energy consumption and win a national energy prize. Learn what simple actions you can take to start saving energy today, and what rebates are available for home retrofit and solar projects. We’ll give you the resources you need to combat climate change, save money, increase your home’s comfort and property values, and contribute to a communitywide sustainability effort! FREE and open to all. Presented by the Claremont Energy Challenge of Sustainable Claremont. Sponsored by the City of Claremont and CHERP.
Location Claremont Library, 208 N Harvard Avenue, Claremont, CA, 91711